
This serves as a repository, cataloging a master list of the diverse range of projects I've successfully undertaken and completed through's platform.

Art Gallery Website

  • react
  • tailwind
  • typescript

Suite Landing Page

  • react
  • tailwind
  • typescript

Mortgage Repayment Calculator

  • react
  • tailwind
  • typescript

Expenses Chart Component

  • html
  • css
  • typescript

FAQ Accordion

  • html
  • tailwind
  • typescript

Blog Preview Card

  • html
  • css
  • typescript

Social Links Profile

  • html
  • tailwind
  • typescript

Recipe Page

  • html
  • css
  • typescript

Single Page Design Portfolio

  • html
  • css
  • typescript
  • pug

Interactive Card Details Form

  • html
  • css
  • typescript

News Homepage

  • html
  • unocss
  • typescript

Age Calculator App

  • vue
  • sass
  • typescript

Notifications Page

  • vue
  • unocss
  • typescript

Single Page Developer Portfolio

  • vue
  • css
  • typescript

Newsletter Signup Form with Success Message

  • vue
  • sass
  • typescript

Article Preview Component

  • html
  • unocss
  • typescript

Pod Request Access Landing Page

  • html
  • unocss
  • typescript

Meet Landing Page

  • html
  • unocss
  • typescript

Intro Component with Signup Form

  • html
  • sass
  • typescript

FAQ Accordion Card

  • html
  • sass
  • typescript
  • pug

Workit Landing Page

  • html
  • css
  • typescript
  • pug

Huddle Landing Page

  • html
  • css
  • typescript

Single Price Grid Component

  • html
  • unocss
  • typescript

Base Apparel Coming Soon

  • html
  • sass
  • typescript

Results Summary Component

  • html
  • css
  • typescript
  • pug

Equalizer Landing Page

  • html
  • unocss
  • typescript

Skilled eLearning Page

  • html
  • sass
  • typescript
  • pug

Four Card Feature Section

  • html
  • css
  • typescript
  • pug

BMI Calculator

  • vue
  • css
  • typescript

Profile Card Component

  • html
  • unocss
  • typescript

Social Proof Section

  • html
  • sass
  • typescript
  • pug

Ping Coming Soon Page

  • html
  • css
  • typescript

Stats Preview Card Component

  • html
  • unocss
  • typescript

Order Summary Component

  • html
  • tailwind
  • typescript

NFT Preview Card Component

  • html
  • tailwind
  • typescript

Interactive Rating Component

  • html
  • css
  • typescript

Product Preview Card Component

  • html
  • sass
  • typescript

3 Column Preview Card Component

  • html
  • sass
  • pug
  • typescript

QR Code Component

  • html
  • css
  • typescript